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2 Charles Boulevard Guilderland, NY 12084
+1 518-690-0498

The roma Alliance

What is ROMA?

Results Oriented Management and Accountability, or ROMA, is a performance-based management system. It is a sound management practice that integrates outcomes/results into a Community Action Agency’s administration, management, operation and evaluation of programs and services. ROMA Next Generation includes an increased fous on improved use of data, the integration of the phases of the ROMA cycle, the National Community Action Theory of Change, local theories of change, and a commitment to community level change. 

The ROMA Cycle

The NY rOMA Alliance

The NYS ROMA Alliance is a group of Certified ROMA Trainers and Certified ROMA Implementers who currently work at a Community Action Agency (CAA) in New York State or who work at the Department of State/Division of Community Services.  The group is facilitated by Jackie Orr, NCRMT, CEO, NYSCAA and Jessica Collier, NCRT, Community Services Program Analyst 1, DOS/DCS. The purpose of the New York Alliance is to bring together ROMA professionals to develop a culture in Community Action Agencies that supports and contributes to a results orientation.