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2 Charles Boulevard Guilderland, NY 12084
+1 518-690-0498

Sign Up – Online Groups

Interested in sharing ideas, asking questions, and connecting with those outside your own agency? Join one of our Groups to do just that with other Community Action staff and agencies across NY State (and beyond!).


Interested in sharing ideas, asking questions, and connecting with those outside your own agency? Join one of our Groups to do just that with other Community Action staff and agencies across NY State (and beyond)!

“More and more people are becoming aware of the power of belonging to a network: each individual member contributes a small part, so that the resulting body of knowledge is much greater than that which any individual member could have amassed on their own. Sharing has almost become a selfish act – sharing is the price you pay to reap the rewards of invaluable collective knowledge.” Posted by José Picardo – Box of

To join a group, just click on the link below and select the group(s) you would like to join. Group discussions are kept to those within the group. Once you sign up, you can also participate in these groups solely from your email box if you prefer.


Below are the groups that are currently available. (If there are other groups you would like to see – just email

  • CAPTAIN Coalition  – This Coalition provides an opportunity to share suggestions and thoughts with other users of the CAPTAIN Case Management Software.
  • Technology – A group for Community Action members to discuss all things related to Information Technology.
  • The CAP60 Coalition  – This Coalition provides an opportunity to share suggestions and thoughts with other users of the CAP60 Network.