Welcome to Community Action Angels NY. ![]()
About Community Action Angels
Community Action Angels is a volunteer and resource development program model administered by Wyoming County Community Action (WCCA). This program was founded by a one-time recipient of Community Action services in 1996 and gifted to the agency in 2002 for exclusive use by all Community Action agencies. Individual programs are custom to agency and community needs, coordinated by staff and assisted by an Advisory Board and other dedicated volunteers’ representative of villages, towns and cities throughout the agency’s service area.
Since 2002, New York State Department of State, Division of Community Services has contracted with WCCA to provide technical assistance and training to all Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) assisted agencies to increase agency capacity through community engagement regardless of model and custom to agency needs. Currently there are over thirty Community Action agencies either operating a Community Action Angels program or have participated in Community Action Angels projects or statewide initiatives.
Since the inception, Community Action Angel volunteers have distributed over 18 million dollars in donations of goods and services through the network of Community Action agencies in New York State to individuals and families during normal times and during times of disaster. Over 190,000 individuals have been helped in their time of need.
Our Mission
To provide the training and tools needed to increase the human and financial capacity of Community Action agencies across New York State through enhanced volunteerism, unrestricted resources and community partnerships so that all people who walk through our doors walk out with greater opportunity.
Our Goal
To work together through shared knowledge, data, resources and activities so volunteer work in Community Action is more organized, accountable, recognized and leaves a significant and positive impact on our state, communities, agencies and the people we serve.
Our Philosophy
We will help everyone who asks for help to the best of our ability. We will encourage those we help to help others to the best of their ability. “The Circle of Giving.”
Our Focus
Our focus is on helping all individuals and families to become self-sufficient as well as to help those whose employment income disqualifies them from assistance to remain self-sufficient. This program is committed to addressing the physical, academic and social needs of children where current programs fall short or are non-existent.
2018 Community Action Angels Statewide Project for Kids
The 2018 CA Angels Statewide Project for Kids highlighted the work of the Joint Council for Economic Opportunity (JCEO) of Clinton and Franklin counties “Fostering Komfort” program. The program, which is a collaboration between JCEO and other community groups, assembles backpacks filled with toiletries, toys, and other items for children entering foster care. The program is designed to ease the transition into a new home and set foster children up for success. Click here to view a PowerPoint Presentation on the “Fostering Komfort” program that was presented at the 2018 Community Action Angels Meeting of the Minds. For additional information on the “Fostering Komfort” program, click here to view the Project Summary.
More information coming soon!