for-the-childrenThis program provides a multitude of services to children ages birth through kindergarten.

Services available through this program include:

• Health care
• Diapers
• Food
• Formula
• Clothing
• School supplies
• Cribs
• Safety Equipment
• Advocacy and Parenting Education
Anything necessary for the well being of infants and children

Donations can be brought to the office or dropped at:
The Cornerstone~Balus Center for Community Action, North Main St. Perry, NY

Cribs for Kids

cribs-4-kidsWhen you think of a child saying “Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep”, we assume they are lying in a nice warm bed. The fact is many infants and small children are sleeping on a hard floor or in other unsafe sleeping conditions.

Angel Action is committed to providing Safe Sleep education and safe sleeping conditions to every infant born in Wyoming County.

A donation of $50.00 will insure that one small child will have a safe place to sleep. DONATE HERE or email Pat at