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2 Charles Boulevard Guilderland, NY 12084
+1 518-690-0498

About CSBG

Under a contract with the NYS Department of State (DOS), Division of Community Services, NYSCAA provides training and technical assistance, Information Technology support services, Governance training, capacity building services and information and referrals in response to requests from Community Action Agencies (CAA), Office for New Americans Opportunity Centers (ONA) and Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funded agencies. Regional and statewide forums are convened to address topics identified as areas of need by CAA’s self-assessments; a training needs survey; and referrals or recommendations from DOS. Targeted audiences include CAA Executive Directors, fiscal officers, Human Resources staff, board members, front line staff and government and community partners. Activities can include small workshops and training sessions, one on one technical assistance, large group conference presentations, webinars, poverty simulations, and team building. Resource materials are also developed and distributed including the Annual Poverty Report, Community Action Resource Guide, Newsletters, and other materials that support Community Action Agencies and low income people in New York State.